Heather Hayward


As an Immersive Experience Leader, Heather Hayward helps her clients and students connect with their inner truth and obliterate self-doubt so they can soar beyond the suffocating, “wedged-in” life experiences.

Her specialty is guiding you from confusion to clarity with an emphasis on finding your Still Small Voice.

By integrating hypnosis and guided imagery meditation into coaching, seemingly “stuck” clients can gain access to their internal switches for change so they can find the confidence, clarity, and calmness to make decisions.

Classes/privates taught at Unplug:

  • Guided Imagery

  • Guided Discover

  • Connecting with Intuition

  • Deep Meditation

  • Workshop for Mothers

  • Navigating clients from confusion to clarity with an emphasis on connecting with the “still, small voice within.” Once dialogue flows from that innermost part, decisions become clearer (not easier) and choices bolder. Childlike joy is restored in the process.

Why I practice meditation:

For peace of thought, connection with my innate wisdom and to shift out of a crap mood!

Why I teach meditation:

I teach every week because I can't wait to see how the class will unfold and what experiences the students will have. I am simply the tour guide into their presence.


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