Chris Plourde


Chris Plourde, an Elite Performance Coach, has worked with top athletes, Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, high level executives, busy moms and dads, and even military Special Ops personnel. While the needs of all of these types of people may vary, the core concept is the same: The way you approach one thing in life is the way you approach everything in life. Allowing our true instincts to shine by connecting deeply with ourselves is essential for happiness, serenity and success. Come join Chris as he explores this internal journey with you and discover how to overcome obstacles, manifest opportunity and access your fullest potential.

Classes/privates taught at Unplug:

  • Meditation and Breathwork

Why I practice meditation:

To be able to connect to a deeper, wiser, authentic part of myself.

Why I teach meditation:

To empower others to get in touch with their deeper selves and intuition so they can live their best lives.

Connect with Chris: