From Burnout to Bliss: How Meditation Changed My Life and Career

Written by Lindsey Benoit O'Connell

Founder of The LAB Wellness

You know those days when your phone won’t stop buzzing, deadlines loom like dark clouds, and every little thing just feels... overwhelming? Yep, that's been most of my life, especially with my whirlwind job as a magazine editor and producer. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun and exciting, but the high stress environment often led to burnout. Then, I became a mama and that overwhelm tripled. But amidst all the chaos, I found a quiet haven: meditation. It was my secret weapon during those sneaky panic attacks that would try to catch me off-guard. And when postpartum blues and anxiety tried to crash my party, meditation was the friend that whispered, "I got you."

Then came the big "aha" moment. After seeing firsthand how meditation saved me out of some deep scary moments, I thought, "I need to share this with others." But where to start? Just as I was wondering how to go about it, fate (literally) introduced me to the Unplug Meditation Teacher Training program. It was like the universe saying, "Here you go!" One moment, I was pondering how to embark on this new journey, and the next, I was reading an article about the very program that would guide my way. 


A Journey of Self-Discovery Guided by the Best

The moment I learned about the program, two names stood out: Suze Yalof Schwartz and davidji. These two luminaries in the world of meditation became my guiding lights. Suze, with her immense passion and dedication, has redefined modern meditation by launching the first ever brick-and-mortar meditation business, Unplug. Meanwhile, davidji, with his wealth of knowledge and profound insight, grounded the training in ancient traditions.  Their combined expertise painted a complete picture of meditation's depths and potentials.

Learning under the mentorship of Suze and davidji felt like a privilege. They weren't just teachers; they were inspirations. With their guidance, I navigated through the nuances of meditation, understanding its roots, methodologies, and transformative effects. And from the first call to the last, I felt like they truly had my back.

Unraveling the Wonders of the Program

The Unplug Meditation Teacher Training program is more than just a series of classes. It's a holistic journey tailored to unearth the true potential of aspiring meditation teachers. You really find your voice. I share more in depth below some key highlights that profoundly impacted me.


Deep Dives into Different Techniques: From affirmation meditation to mindfulness, the program covers a spectrum of methodologies, allowing trainees to find and specialize in the techniques that resonate most with them.

  • Real-time Practice: The regular practice sessions helped me gain confidence and hone my skills. It wasn’t just theoretical; it was experiential.

  • Personal Development: Beyond the techniques, the program emphasizes personal growth. I underwent transformative inner work, which is fundamental to becoming an authentic meditation teacher.

  • Community Building & Friendships: The camaraderie among the trainees was unparalleled. We were a close-knit community, supporting and learning from each other, creating bonds that extend beyond the training period. To this day, I feel most connected to a few of my fellow classmates who have become my besties.


The Ripple Effects: How the Training Transformed My Life

Transitioning from a student to a teacher is a metamorphic process. With the skills and knowledge I acquired from the program, I could:

  • Teach with Confidence: With a solid foundation and extensive practice, I felt equipped and empowered to guide others in their meditation journeys.

  • Embrace Calm Amid Chaos: The deeper understanding of meditation and regular practice helped me maintain calm and clarity in daily life.

  • Connect on a Deeper Level: Being a meditation teacher isn't just about guiding sessions. It's about connecting with individuals, understanding their needs, and helping them navigate their personal journeys. The program equipped me to do just that.


Today, I not only have a growing meditation business, guiding others through their meditative practices and sound healing, but also live a life more in tune with my inner self. The ripple effects of the Unplug Meditation Teacher Training program touch every corner of my life. From better relationships to enhanced focus, the transformations are countless.

In essence, the Unplug Meditation Teacher Training program was not just a stepping stone but a catapult that launched me into a fulfilling journey of personal growth and service to others. For anyone looking to dive deep into the realm of meditation and share its wonders with the world, I cannot recommend this program enough.

If you are looking to become a meditation teacher or even just to deepen your practice, I highly recommend this program. The community you build, the confidence in yourself, the feeling of authenticity you harness—it’s truly life changing.