How to Become a Certified Meditation Teacher

Ever wondered how to become a certified meditation teacher, and if you’re ready for it? Have you been daydreaming about getting certified? If you’ve been practicing meditation for a while, it’s not uncommon to consider the path to teaching. Training to become a certified meditation teacher can be such a rewarding experience, and a way to give back what you’ve learned in your own practice. And of course, it will improve your practice for yourself too! Here are a few simple steps you can take along the process to become a certified meditation teacher in the most present way possible.

Learn As Much As You Can

One of the most important things you can do for your meditation teacher training is continue to learn yourself. Be an open book and soak everything up like a sponge! Learn as much as you can about meditation. Immerse yourself in the different types and styles of teaching so you feel comfortable with all facets of the practice. Keep an open mind, and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with your classmates in your meditation teacher training program, so you can all grow together. This mindset will also help you see things from a learner’s perspective, which will help you be a more effective teacher! When you know how it feels to be a student, you can better serve your own students.

Be Dedicated In Your Practice

Becoming a certified meditation teacher is more than just having knowledge—it takes dedicated personal practice as well. Before you start meditation teacher training, make sure that you have solidified your practice. The meditation sessions you’ll teach won’t serve as your own meditation time, so you’ll need to set aside time for that on your own. That means making a commitment to yourself that you will meditate regularly, both because it will make you a better teacher and because you deserve it! (That said, this does not mean being hard on yourself on days when you skip a meditation session - we all have our ups and downs. The key is to always get back on the horse and be kind to yourself.) Be intentional about meditating daily, show up for yourself in your practice, and take the time to connect with others in the meditation community. Having practical experience goes a long way in developing a warm and informed teaching style.

Ask Yourself Why

To make sure you are entering meditation teacher training with the right attitude, take time to reflect on why you actually want to become a certified meditation teacher. If you are only in it for the money or desire to have a huge following and fanbase, you may find your journey more difficult. (Those things are great! But they are not the core of what makes becoming a certified meditation teacher fulfilling and rewarding.) While there are many reasons to become a meditation teacher, many successful, satisfied meditation teachers started teaching because they:

·  Had a desire to constantly learn and were excited to share their findings with others.

·  Worked in fields like mental health or wellness and wanted to share how meditation fits perfectly with handling anxiety, stress, and other issues.

·  Knew that teaching was their calling and that meditation was their passion - and the two naturally fit together.

These aren’t the only reasons to become a certified meditation teacher - not by a long shot! - but hopefully they serve as a helpful guide. The idea is to be sure that you’ll enjoy teaching meditation for the practice itself, and for the ways it can help you improve others’ lives.

Enter A Training Program

If you’ve continued this far, then congrats: you’re almost there! You’re in the right headspace to start your meditation teacher training! Once you have decided to go through with becoming a certified meditation teacher, entering a meditation teacher training program is essential. Going through a training program is an immersive way to quickly gain the knowledge you need to go from practitioner to teacher. The Unplug Meditation certified teaching program, for example, is an intensive 200-hour program over 6 weeks that prepares you for every aspect of teaching. With those hours of training, you’ll be ready to change lives - both your students’ and your own - with the sessions you lead.

Prepare Your Practice

Once you have gone through training and have become a certified meditation teacher, you’re ready to roll! Get out there and create groups. Practice teaching as much as you can, so you can get to know your own teaching style and develop routines. You may want to start with familiar faces, like your coworkers and friends, and lean toward shorter lessons (in the 10-to-15-minute range) as you learn. As time goes on, you will quickly see how to best apply all the knowledge you’ve gained up to this point. You’ll be a thriving certified meditation teacher before you know it, and it will make life that much sweeter. Happy meditating!